Sunday, 6 September 2009

The Bestest Female Vampires of All Time

After careful consideration and long deliberation we have decide that the most enigmatic beautiful screen vampires amongst the many we have seen are:

Annette Vadim as "Carmilla" in Blood and Roses (1960) [see our previous post here]

Ofelia Montesco as "Tandra, vampire priestess" in Santo vs. The Vampire Women (1962)

Pia Degermark as "Betty Williams"/"Clarimonde" in The Vampire Happening (1971) [see below]

Maribel Martín as "Susan" in The Blood Spattered Bride (1972) [see our previous post here]

Exactly what it is about these three women it is difficult to say, but the quality common to each of them is the heart-break you feel when the camera isn’t on them. We would both willing give up a pulsing artery for these vamps!

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